Most Blue Skies, Lise Autogena's project for the Means of Production initiative, married computer programming and advanced scientific research in an attempt to predict the location of the world's ‘Most Blue Sky’. The project aimed to question the notion of the ‘Most Blue Sky’, scientifically, sociologically and aesthetically. The outcome of Autogena’s involvement in the scheme was her successful nomination to become a NESTA fellow in 2005, allowing her to continue her development of Most Blue Skies.
‘This period of investigation has provided me with extremely valuable research into the ‘Most Blue Skies’ project. It has enabled me to engage in dialogues with researchers, to set up new working partnerships and a development structure. The ‘Most Blue Skies’ project has already brought together specialist bodies of knowledge in radical new ways, and produced unexpected perspectives and insights, unavailable to those whose own work is usually centred in particular disciplines and specific methodologies.’ Lise Autogena
This project is part of the Means of Production Initiative, led by Modus Operandi.